78. Das, B., Xing, J., Sharma, A. K., Ge, H., The asymmetric torque-speed relationships reveal that the hook behaves as a clutch in bacterial transmission system, to be submitted (Xing and Ge are co-corresponding authors).
77. Wang, H., Ardila, C., Jindal, A., Aggarwal, V., Wang, W., Geest, J. V., Jiang, Y., Xing, J., Sant, S., Protrusion force and cell-cell adhesion play a critical role in collective tumor cluster migration, BioRxiv, 2024 (Xing and Sant co-corresponding authors)
76., Ni, K., Yu, G., Zheng, Z., Lu, Y., Poe, D., Zhou, S., Wang, W., Xing, J., LivecellX: A Deep-learning-based, Single-Cell Object-Oriented Framework for Quantitative Analysis in Live-Cell Imaging, BioRxiv, 2025
75. Hu, S., Lu, Y., Yu, G., Zheng, Z., Wang, W., Ni, K., Giri, A., Zhang, J., Zhang, Y., Watanabe, K., Yao, G., Xing, J., Epithelial-mesenchymal transition couples with cell cycle arrest at various stages, BioRxiv, 2025
74. Zhang, J., Wang, S., Watkins, S. C., Xing, J., Long-range genomic loci stochastically assemble into combinatorial forms of chromosome skeleton, BioRxiv, 2025
73. Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Gan, J., Ni, K, Chen, Y., Bahar, I, Xing, J., GraphVelo allows inference of multi-modal single cell velocities and molecular mechanisms, BioRxiv, 2024
72. Zachary R. Hettinger, Sophia Hu, Hikaru Mamiya, Amrita Sahu, Hirotaka Iijima, Kai Wang, Gabrielle Gilmer, Amanda Miller, Gabriele Nasello, Antonio D’Amore, David Vorp, Thomas A. Rando, Jianhua Xing, Fabrisia Ambrosio, Dynamical modeling reveals RNA decay mediates the effect of matrix stiffness on aged muscle stem cell fate, BioRxiv, 2023.02.24.529950 (Hettinger and Hu are co-first authors, Rando, Xing, and Ambrosio are co-corresponding authors).
71. Zhang, Y., Qiu, X., Ni, K., Weissman, J., Bahar, I., Xing, J., Graph-Dynamo: Learning stochastic cellular state transition dynamics from single cell data, BioRxiv, 2023.09.24.559170.
70. Hong, T., Xing, J., Data- and theory-driven approaches for understanding paths of epithelial–mesenchymal transition, Genesis, 62:e23591 (2024).
69. Wang, W., Ni, K., Poe, D. & Xing, J. Transiently Increased Coordination in Gene Regulation During Cell Phenotypic Transitions, PRX Life, 2:043009 (2024).
68. Cang, H., Liu, Y., Xing, J., Mosaic-PICASSO: accurate crosstalk removal for multiplex fluorescence imaging, Bioinformatics, btad784 (2024).
67. Xing, J. Reconstructing data-driven governing equations for cell phenotypic transitions: integration of data science and systems biology. Physical Biology, 19:061001 (2022).
66. Wang, W., Poe, D., Yang, Y., Hyatt, T. & Xing, J. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition proceeds through directional destabilization of multidimensional attractor. eLife, e74866 (2022).
65. Qiu, X., Zhang, Y., Martin-Rufino, J. D., Weng, C., Hosseinzadeh, S., Yang, D., Wang, L., Yuan, R., Xu, S., Ma, Y., Replogle, J., Lander, E., Darmanis, S., Bahar., I., Sankaran, V., Xing, J. H., Weissman, J. S., Mapping transcriptomic vector field of single cells, Cell, 185:690 (2022) (Qiu and Zhang as co-first authors, Qiu, Xing and Weissman as co-corresponding authors).
64. Yan Zhang, James Krieger, Karolina Mikulska-Ruminska, Burak Kaynak, Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano, José-María Carazo, Jianhua Xing, Ivet Bahar, State-dependent sequential allostery exhibited by chaperonin TRiC/CCT revealed by network analysis of Cryo-EM maps, Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 160:104-120 (2021).
62. Live cell imaging and analysis reveal cell phenotypic transition dynamics inherently missing in snapshot data, Science Advances, 6 (36): eaba9319 (2020)
61. Guidelines and Definitions for Research on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 21, 341-352 (2020).
59. X. -J. Tian, D. Zhou, H. Fu, R. Zhang, X. Wang, S. Huang, Y. Liu, and J. H. Xing, Sequential Wnt Agonist then Antagonist Treatment Accelerates Tissue Repair and Minimizes Fibrosis, iScience, 23(5): 101047 (2020).
58 Y. J. Chen, W. Wang, X.-J. Tian, D. E. Lefever, D. A. Taft, and J. H. Xing, Rapid, modular, and cost-effective generation of donor DNA constructs for CRISPR-based gene knock-in, Biology Methods & Protocols, accepted.
55. A lysosomal dimmer switch regulates cellular quiescence depth, PNAS, , (2019).
54. Jingyu Zhang, Hengyu Chen, Ruoyan Li, Guang Yao, Fan Bai, and Jianhua Xing, Spatial clustering and common regulatory elements correlated with TGF-beta induced concerted gene expression, PLoS Comp Biol, 15(3): e1006786 (2019).
53. Jianhua Xing, CRISPR techniques can accelerate research on the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, Researchgate expert’s opinion.
52. M. Singh, X.-J. Tian, V. S. Donnenberg, A. Watson, J. Zhang, L. Stabile, S. C. Watkins, J. H. Xing, and S. Sant, Targeting the temporal dynamics of hypoxia-induced tumor-secreted factors halts tumor migration, Cancer Research, 79:2962-2977 (2019).
51 W. Wang, D. A. Taft, Y.-J. Chen, J. Zhang, C. Wallace, M. Xu, S. C. Watkins, J. H. Xing, Learn to segment single cells with deep distance estimator and deep cell detector. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 108: 133-141 (2019).
50 J. Zhang, X.-J. Tian, Y.-J. Chen, W. Wang, S. C. Watkins, and J. H. Xing, Pathway crosstalk enables cells to interpret TGF-beta duration, NPJ Sys Biol App, 4: 18 (2018).
49 Zhou, H. Fu, L. Xiao, H. Mo, H Zhuo, X.-J. Tian, J. H. Xing, Y. Liu, Fibroblast-specific β-catenin signaling dictates the outcome of AKI, J. Am. Soc. Nephrol., 29 (4): 1257-1271 (2018)
48 S. Kwon, N. J. Everetts, X. Wang, W. Wang, K. D. Croce, J. H. Xing, and G. Yao, Controlling depth of cellular quiescence by an Rb-E2F network switch, Cell Reports, 20:3223-3235 (2017).
47. Xiao-Jun Tian, Hang Zhang, Jingyu Zhang and Jianhua Xing , mRNA-miRNA reciprocal regulation enabled bistable switch directs cell fate decision, FEBS Letters, 590, 3443-3455 (2016).
46. Jianhua Xing, Neurons use physics for receptor selection, Cell Systems, 2:290 (2016).
45. Xiao-Jun Tian, Hang Zhang, Jens Sannerud and Jianhua Xing , Achieving diverse and monoallelic olfactory receptor selection through dual-objective optimization design, PNAS, 113:2889 (2016). list of news coverage.
44. Jingyu Zhang, Xiao-Jun Tian and Jianhua Xing, Signal transduction pathways of EMT induced by TGF-beta, SHH, and WNT and their crosstalks, J. Clinic Med., 5:41 (2016).
43. Jianhua Xing and Robin Lee, Putting it all on pigmentation: Heuristics of a bold and stochastic cell fate decision, Science Signaling, 8:fs17 (2015).
42. Yue Teng, Wen Yue, Jingxue Wang, Hang Zhang, Jichao Du, Jingli Li, Liangtao Zheng, Jun Zhou, Xiao-Jun Tian, Lijuan He, Xue Nan, Jianhua Xing, Ying Jiang, Fuchu He, Xuetao Pei, Integrative MicroRNA and Proteomic Approaches from a hESCs-based in vitro model of Definitive Endoderm Differentiation Reveal Novel Post-regulation Interactions, submitted. Hang Zhang is co-first author, Xing is co-corresponding author.
41. Jingyu Zhang*, Xiao-Jun Tian*, Hang Zhang, Elankumaran Subbiah, Jianhua Xing, TGF-β-induced epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition proceeds through step-wise activation of multiple feedback loops, Science Signaling, 7: ra91 (2014). * co-first author.
40. D. Mondal, A. Mukhopadhyay, E. Dougherty, A. Carbo, G. Yao, and J. H. Xing, Systematic Reverse Engineering of Network Topologies: A Case Study of Resettable Bistable Cellular Responses, Plos One, 9(8):e105833 (2014).
39. J. H. Xing, W. Mather, C. Hong, Computational cell biology: past, present and future, Interface Focus 4(3):20140027 (2014).
38. P. Wang, C. Song, H. Zhang, Z. Wu, X-J Tian, J. H. Xing, Epigenetic State Network Approach For Describing Cell Phenotypic Transitions, J. Roy. Soc. Interface Focus 4(3):20130068 (2014).
37. Chun Chen, William T Baumann, Jianhua XIng, Lingling Xu, Robert Clarke, John Tyson, Mathematical models of the transitions between endocrine therapy responsive and resistant states in breast cancer, J. Roy. Soc. Interface 11:20140206 (2014).
36. H. Zhang, X-J Tian, K. Kim, J. H. Xing, Statistical mechanics model for the dynamics of collective epigenetic histone modification, Phys. Rev. Lett., 112: 068101 (2014).
35. X-J Tian, H. Zhang, J. H. Xing, Coupled Reversible and Irreversible Bistable Switches Underlying TGF-beta-induced Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition, Biophys, J., 105:1079 (2013).
34. Yuanjie Hu, Ning Ru, Huasheng Xiao, Abhishek Chaturbedi, Neil T. Hoa, Xiao-Jun Tian, Hang Zhang, Chao Ke, Fengrong Yan, Jodi Nelson, Zhenzhi Li, Robert Gramer, Liping Yu, Eric Siegel, Xiaona Zhang, Zhenyu Jia, Martin R. Jadus, Charles L. Limoli, Mark E. Linskey, Jianhua Xing, Y-H Zhou, Tumor-Specific Chromosome Mis-Segregation Controls Cancer Plasticity by Maintaining Tumor Heterogeneity, Plos One, 8(11):e80898 (2013). Xing is co-corresponding author.