October 13, 2004: Pre-NPEBC workshop
October 20-22, 2004: Beckman Institute Program
Review Committee meeting - reviewing the Molecular and Electronic
Nanostructures [MENS] Program (http://www.beckman.uiuc.edu/research/menhome.html)
October 28-29, 2004: NIH - MABS study section
October 30, 2004: Baylor
College of Medicine, NCMI (National Center for Macromolecular Imaging)
Advisory Committee Meeting (http://ncmi.bioch.bcm.tmc.edu/)
November 18-19, 2004: Biological Language Modeling
conference (http://flan.blm.cs.cmu.edu/blc2004/)
December 9 -10, 2004: NSF/NIH BBSI meeting
(Washington DC)
December 12-17, 2004: San Francisco - UCSF meeting
January 27, 2005:
Seminar at Dept of Materials Science &
Engineering at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
(Invited Speaker)
February 12-16, 2005: Biophysical Society Annual
Meeting - Long Beach California (http://www.biophysics.org/meetings/annmtg/)
(Invited Speaker)
March 3-4, 2005:
NIH MABS (Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems) Study Section
March 9-11, 2005: Site Visit at NIH
Research Resource at Scripps on "Multiscale Modeling Tools in Structural
Biology" by Charles L. Brooks. (http://mmtsb.scripps.edu/) (NIH
Site Visit Review member)
April 25, 2005: Seminar at Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry and Institute for Physical Science and Technology at
the University of Maryland
(Invited Speaker)
April 30 - May 1, 2005:
Midwest Computational
Structural Biology Workshop in Augusta, Michigan (Invited Speaker)
May 2-6, 2005: UCSF Meeting (San Francisco)
May 15-18, 2005:
Workshop on Flexibility in Biomolecules (Tempe Arizona) (http://biophysics.asu.edu/workshop_2005/)
(Invited Speaker)
June 27-30, 2005: International Conference on Computational
Science and Engineering (Istanbul, Turkey) (Scientific Committee Member
and Session Chair) (http://www.iccse.org/about.php)
July 7-13,
2005: 5th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex
Systems (Lille, France). (http://www-ldsmm.univ-lille1.fr/meeting.html)
(Invited Speaker)
July 28-29, 2005: NIH MABS (Modeling and
Analysis of Biological Systems) Study Section (Bethesda, MD)
August 14-19,
2005: 40th IUPAC Congress - Innovation in Chemistry (Beijing, China) (http://www.ccs.ac.cn/IUPAC2005/iupac2005-2c.htm)
(http://www.ccs.ac.cn/IUPAC2005.htm) (Invited Speaker)
October 5-7, 2005: Multiscale Modeling in Biological Systems (Utah)
(Invited Speaker)
November 1-3, 2005: Paul Flory
Colloquium: Modeling and Simulation Fall 168th Technical Meeting (David
L. Lawrence Convention Center Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) ACS Rubber
Division (http://www.rubber.org/meetings/fall.htm)
(Invited Speaker)
Dec 27, 2005: Seminar at Department of
Chemical and Biological Engineering, Koc University, Istanbul,
Engineering Seminar Series. Title: "A Markov Model for Allosteric
Communication in Biomolecular Systems"
February 6-17, 2006: UCSF Meeting (San
February 23, 2006: Seminar at the
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of
Virginia (Invited Speaker)
March 2-3, 2006: NIH MABS Study Section,
Bethesda MD.
March 17-18, 2006: NIH/NSF BBSI Grantees
Meeting, Bethesda, MD.
March 25, 2006: Natural Sciences
Technical Session of Second Annual Conference of TASSA, Philadelphia,
PA. (Invited Speaker)
April 19-20, 2006: Seminar at Notre Dame,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Computational Biophysics
Seminar Series (http://www.nd.edu/~icsb
April 24, 2006: Seminar at the
Department of Biophysics, Johns Hopkins University, invited by the
institute of Multi-scale Modeling of Biological Interactions (http://webapps.jhu.edu/eventslist/eventDetail.cfm?eventID=16403&profile=undefined)
April 27, 2006: Seminar at the
University of Akron, invited by the Department of Polymer Science (http://www2.uakron.edu/cpspe/DPS/SeminarSchedule.htm)