Weikang’s deep learning paper accepted in Computers in Biology and Medicine

Single cell segmentation is a critical and challenging step in cell imaging analysis. Traditional processing methods require time and labor to manually fine-tune parameters and lack parameter transferability between different situations. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) treat segmentation as a pixel-wise classification problem and become a general and efficient …

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a paper first authored by Manju and Xiaojun accepted in Cancer Research

Targeting microenvironmental factors that foster migratory cell phenotypes is a promising strategy for halting tumor migration. However, lack of mechanistic understanding of the emergence of migratory phenotypes impedes pharmaceutical drug development. Using our 3D microtumor model with tight control over tumor size, we recapitulated tumor size-induced hypoxic microenvironment and emergence …

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Jingyu’s paper accepted in PLoS Comp Biol

Many cellular responses to surrounding cues require temporally concerted transcriptional regulation of multiple genes. In prokaryotic cells a single-input-module motif with one transcription factor regulating multiple target genes can generate coordinated gene expression. In eukaryotic cells, transcriptional activity of a gene is affected by not only transcription factors but also …

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